Video Marketing Trends To Follow In 2023 - A Blog by Skylab SEO

Video Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023

Videos are a powerful way for brands to reach and engage audiences. With video marketing constantly evolving, it’s a must to keep up with the latest trends.

Short Videos Are In: Short videos under 60 seconds have exploded thanks to TikTok and YouTube Shorts. People like quick videos that grab their attention fast. Use short videos to highlight your key messages.

Live Video Connects: Live video allows real-time interaction with viewers. Stream Q&As, tutorials, behind-the-scenes, and more on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This creates an authentic connection.

More Video Ads: Video ads generate 2X more clicks than image ads. Platforms are expanding video ad options, so test different formats like skippable and non-skippable.

Optimize for Each Platform: Tailor videos to where they’ll be viewed. Create vertical videos for mobile, square videos for Instagram, etc. This improves performance.

Add interactivity: Quizzes, links, cards to make videos more engaging. Viewers provide data and are prompted to take action. Interactive content converts better.

Focus on Mobile: With growing mobile usage, vertical videos perform best on small screens. Ensure your strategies adapt to mobile viewing.

Optimize for Video SEO: Add transcripts, optimized titles/descriptions, and tags to help get discovered in searches. Appear in video-specific results.

Quality Visuals and Graphics: Use appealing visuals, text overlays, animations. Avoid bland talking heads. Well-produced videos keep viewers watching.

Invest in production: Spend on quality equipment and editing. Poor production values can negatively impact perceptions of your brand.

Analyze and Test: Use built-in analytics to see what resonates with your audience. Experiment with different video styles and formats.

You need to be committed to following video marketing trends in order to future-proof your strategy. Skylab SEO’s experienced team can craft an effective video plan tailored to your brand’s goals.


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